9 jul 2014


La Ñora, Thursday May 22nd 2,014.
Page 127.
2nd Why do people have jobs?
People have jobs to earn money.
3rd Copy and complete the sentences to classify the jobs.
primary sector
craft worker
factory worker
office worker retail assistant
taxi driver
tourist guide

Page 129.
1st Why science is important in farming?
Science is important in farming because arable farmers need to know what kinds of crops will grow well in their soil and how to look after these crops.
2nd Look at the pictures above and write sentences.
We use wheat to make bread.
We use corn to make cereal.
We use olive trees to make olive oil.
We use rice to make paella.
4th What’s the difference between dry crops and irrigated crops?
The difference between dry crops and irrigated crops is that dry crops need just rainwater.
Dry crops need less water than irrigated crops. Irrigated crops need more water than dry crops.
Page 130.
1st Can you remember the different products we get from farm animals?
Milk and diary (cheese and yoghurt), meat, skins, leather, fur, eggs, sausages, ham...
2nd Look at the photos  a-d and identify the types of livestock farming.
a)          Intensive poultry farming.
b)         Intensive cattle farming.
c)          Free-range pig farming.
d)         Free-range sheep farming.
Page 131.
1st What are the differences between coastal fishing and deep-sea fishing?
Coastal fishing
Deep-sea fishing
It happens near the coast.
It happens a long way from the coast.
The fishermen go out to sea every day in small boats.
The fishermen go out to sea for weeks or months in bigger boats.
They return to sell the fresh fish in fish markets.
They freeze and store the fish on the boats so they can sell them when they return.

Coastal fishing happens near the coast. The fishermen go out to sea every day in small boats. They return to sell the fresh fish in fish markets.
Deep-sea fishing happens a long way from the coast. The fishermen go out to sea for weeks or months in bigger boats. They freeze and store the fish on the boats so they can sell them when they return.
3rd What natural resources do miners take from the Earth?
Miners take from the Earth rocks and minerals, such as coal, stone, salt and even gold.
Page 132.
1st What are the difference between products made by craft workers and products made by industrial workers?
The difference between products made by craft workers and products made by industrial workers is that industrial workers do the stuff in factories and with machines and craft workers do the stuff with their hands and simple tools.
Industrial workers use machines and craft workers use simple tools or their hands.
Craft workers use their hands or simple tools to make manufactured products and industrial workers use machines to make these products.
Products made by craft workers are unique. This mean that each object is different.
Products made by industrial workers are mass-produced. This means that lots of products are made very quickly and they are all the same.

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