16 abr 2014


La Ñora, Friday February 21st 2014.
Page 79.
2nd Identify the different forms of water in photos a-g.
a)           A lake: liquid water.
b)          Icecaps: solid water, ice.
c)           A river: liquid water.
d)          A reservoir: liquid water.
e)           Clouds: gas water, water vapour.
f)           A sea, an ocean: liquid water.
g)           Groundwater: liquid water.
3rd Copy and complete the chart.
a lake
a river
a reservoir
4th Choose the correct word and write the sentence.
Most of the water on Earth is saltwater.
5th What is the difference between lakes and reservoirs?
Reservoirs are man-made lakes for storing freshwater.
Lakes are natural. Reservoirs are man-made.
6th Where is air mainly found on Earth?
Air is found mainly in the atmosphere, which is the layer of gases that surround the Earth.
Page 80.
1st Does air weigh more than water?
No, it doesn’t.
2nd How can you investigate this?
Shaking a bottle with both air a water.
Page 81.
1st What is wind? Write your answer.
Wind is moving air.
2nd Copy and order the wind strengths.
breeze à gale à hurricane
3rd Match and write the sentences.
a)           An anemometer tells us wind speed.
b)          A weather vane tells us wind direction.
Page 82.
2nd What is weather?
Weather is the state of atmosphere at a certain time in a certain place.
3rd What types of weather can we experience?
We can experience sunny, cloudy, raining, windy, snowing and stormy weather.
4th What is the difference between rain and hail?
When precipitation is liquid, it is rain.
When it is balls of ice, it is hail.
5th Look at the weather map.
a)           Which place has highest temperature?
b)          Where is there precipitation?
In Barcelona, Valencia and Madrid.
c)           What season do you think it is?
Winter, because it is snowing in Madrid.
Page 84.
2nd Can we drink all freshwater?
No, we can’t.
We can only drink clean freshwater.
3rd Why must we save water?
We must save water because people need water, because it is important.
4th How can you save water?
·     Close the tap when you are not using it.
·     Have a shower, not a bath.
Page 85.
1st What is the water cycle?
The water cycle is the change of state and place of water.
2nd Order and copy the sentences about the water cycle.
1)            When the Sun heats water, water vapour rises.
2)          It turns into water drops and forms clouds.
3)          The wind moves the clouds, and the water drops fall as precipitation.
4)          Precipitation eventually goes into rivers and back to the sea.
5)          Now the cycle begins again.
Page 88.
1st Copy and complete the word maps.
Air and water
no smell    no colour  no taste   weight
Air      à atmosphere
·     Oceans and seas à saltwater
·     Rivers and lakes
·     Groundwater
·     Icecaps
·     Reservoirs
          freshwater à non-drinking water
2nd True or false? Copy the sentences
and correct the ones that are false.
a)           Oceans and seas are freshwater. FALSE
Oceans and seas are saltwater
b)          Air and water have weight. TRUE
c)           Icecaps and reservoirs are saltwater. FALSE
Icecaps and reservoirs are freshwater.
d)          We can drink all freshwater. FALSE
We can drink only clean freshwater.
Page 89.
3rd Order the wind speeds from the lightest to the strongest.
calm à breeze à gale à hurricane
4th Copy and complete the sentences.
All living things need water and air to live.
Air is found mainly in the atmosphere.
Water has three states: solid, liquid and gas.
Most of the water on Earth is saltwater, and only a little is freshwater.
5th Match, order and write the water cycle process.
The Sun heats water and water vapour rises. EVAPORATION.
Water vapour cools and forms clouds. CONDENSATION.
The clouds cool, and water from the clouds falls as rain or snow. PRECIPITATION.
Precipitation falls to the ground and travels to the oceans and seas.


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