14 may 2015



La Ñora, Friday May 8th 2015.
Page 117.
1st What’s a democracy?
A democracy is that everyone has the same rights and responsibilities, and people vote to decide things.
Page 118.
2nd What’s the Constitution?
Spanish Constitution is the most important law in Spain.
3rd What does it define?
It defines:
·    the rights and responsibilities of citizens
·    the organisation of the territories
·    the organisation of the Government
4th Who can we vote for in a general election?
We can vote for a president in general elections.
5th Copy and order the sentences about general elections.
c) Citizens vote for a candidate
b) The candidates with the most votes form a Parliament.
a) The President of the Government chooses ministers to join the Government.
Page 120.
1st Which countries does Spain share borders with?
Spain shares borders with Portugal, France, Morocco, Andorra and the United Kingdom (Gibraltar).
2nd Can you locate and identify the archipelagos?
Yes, I can. Las Islas Baleares (the Balearic Islands) and las Islas Canarias (the Canary Islands).
3rd Can you remember the names of the two Spanish cities in the North of Africa?
Yes, I can. They are Ceuta and Melilla.
Page 121.
1st Look at the relief map. Name the highest mountain ranges.
The highest mountain ranges in Spain are:
·    Los Pirineos (Pyrenees).
·    Sistema Penibético (Sierra Nevada, Sierra Espuña…).
·    Cordillera Cantábrica (Cantabrian Mountains)
·    Sierra Morena.
·    Sistema Bético.
·    Sistema Central.
·    Sistema Ibérico.
2nd Copy the chart and classify the rivers.
a. Which rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean?
b. Which rivers flow into the Mediterranean Sea?
Flow into the Atlantic Ocean
Flow into the Mediterranean Sea
Page 124.
1st Copy and complete the Word map.
rights        vote  responsibilities
Parliament              Government
congress senate         President
deputies senators       ministers
2nd Use the word map to copy and complete the sentences.
a) The candidates with the most votes form a Parliament.
b) Our Parliament is called Las Cortes and is made up of a congress and a senate.
c) The members of the congress are called deputies.
d) The members of the senate are called senators.
e) The Government is made up of the President and the ministers.
3rd Copy the chart and classify the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democracy.
(I can)
(I have to)
Have the right to have a job.
Have access to public services, including education.
Vote and elect leaders.

Be protected by laws.

Pay taxes to help pay for public services.
Respect other people’s cultures, religions and political beliefs.
Vote and elect leaders.
Respect the law.
Respect public services.

4th Copy and complete the sentences about who we can vote for in a democracy.
a) We can vote for a Mayor in local elections.
b) We can vote for a Parliament representatives in Autonomous Communty elections.
c) We can vote for a President in general elections.
5th Which is the odd one out? Why?
a) El Sistema Bético is the odd one out because it is not a sea, it is a mountain range.
b) El Guadalquivir is the odd one out because it is a river, not a mountain range.
c) El Océano Atlántico is the odd one out because it is not a river, it is an ocean.

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