4 may 2015


La Ñora, Thursday April 23rd 2015.
Page 105.
5th Copy and complete the sentences.
The school community is made up of pupils and staff.
6th What jobs do the staff have in photos a-c?
a) A teacher.
b) A cook.
c) A cleaner.
7th Copy the chart and classify the people who work at a school.
Teaching staff
Non-teaching staff
head teacher
deputy head

Page 106.
2nd Look at the picture and identify local services a-g.
a) Education services.
b) Environmental services.
c) Social services.
d) Water services.
e) Cultural and sports services.
f) Town planning services.
g) Health services.
Page 107.
1st Look at the pictures a-e. Which emergency services can help?
a) The police.
b) The fire brigade, the police and the medical services.
c) Medical services.
d) The fire brigade
e) The police.
2nd Copy and complete the chart.

Fire brigade
Medical services
What do they do?
Protect citizens.
Fight crime.
Control traffic.
Help when there’s a fire, a flood, or when people can’t get out of a vehicle or a building.
Help people who need medical care.

Who works in this service?
Police officers
Doctors, nurses and ambulance staff.
What vehicle(s) do they use?
Police cars, motorbikes, bikes, horses, vans, helicopters, etc.
Fire engines, boats
What special equipment do they have?
Dogs, guns, handcuffs, walkie-talkies,  bulletproof jackets
Axes, levers, hose, hammers
Medicines, oxygen masks, hospital dropper, syringe, aid kit

Page 109.
1st How many Autonomous Communities are there in Spain?
There are seventeen Autonomous Communities in Spain.
2nd Look at the map of the Autonomous Communities. Can you find the two Autonomous Cities?
Yes. They are Ceuta and Melilla.
3rd Can you find an Autonomous Community that is made up of just one province?
Murcia, Navarra, La Rioja, Cantabria, Asturias, Madrid and Las Islas Baleares are made up of just one province.
4th Look at the map of provinces. Which do you think is the biggest province in Spain?
I think the biggest province in Spain is Badajoz.
Page 110.
1st Which Autonomous Communities share borders with your Autonomous Community?
Andalucía, Castilla - La Mancha and Comunidad Valenciana share borders with my Autonomous Community, Región de Murcia.
3rd Copy and complete the sentences.
The government of an Autonomous Community is made up of the President and the regional councillors.
4th Copy and order the sentences to describe elections in an Autonomous Community.
b) Citizens elect Parliament representatives.
c) The Parliament elects the President.
a) The President chooses the regional councillors.
Page 114.
1st Copy and complete the word map.
pupils    school community staff

teaching staff
non-teaching staff
head teacher
deputy head

2nd Use the word map to copy and complete the sentences about the school community.
a) The school community is made up of pupils and staff.
b) Teaching staff include the head teacher, the teachers, the deputy head and the secretary.
c) Non-teaching staff include the supervisors, the cleaners, the cook and the caretaker.
3rd Copy and complete the sentences about Autonomous Communities.
a) Each Autonomous Community has a capital and its own local government.
b) The government of an Autonomous Community is made up of the President and the regional councillors.
c) Autonomous Communties are made up of one or more provinces.
4th Who’s the head of the local government?
The head of the local government is the Mayor.
5th Match and write the sentences about local services.
a) Water services give us clean, fresh drinking water.
b) Environmental services keep our local area clean and safe.
c) Town planning services repair streets and organise public transport.
d) Health services organise hospitals and health centres.
e) Social services help the elderly and the disabled.
f) Education services organise the schools and education centres.
g) Cultural and sport services organise public libraries and sports centres.
6th Copy and complete the sentences with the names of the emergency services.
a) The police protect citizens.
b) The fire brigade help when there’s a fire or a flood.
c) The medical services help people when suddenly need medical care.
7th Copy and complete the sentences about elections in an Autonomous Community.
a) Citizens elect parliament representatives.
b) The Parliament elects the President.
c) The President chooses the regional councillors.

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