26 may 2015


La Ñora, May 26th 2015.
Page 127.
1st What does population mean?
The population of a place is how many inhabitants there are in that area.
2nd Are you part of the child, the adult or elderly population?
I’m part of the child population because I am 9 years old. I am under 16 years old.
5th Are you part of the active population or the inactive population?
I am part of the inactive population.
Page 129.
1st Copy and complete the sentences.
a. If the number of babies born is bigger than the number of people that die, the population increases.
b. If the number of babies born is smaller than the number of people that die, the population decreases.
5th Does the population increase or decrease? Copy the words and write + for increase and – for decrease.
a. People die. –
b. Immigrants arrive. +
c. Babies are born. +
d. Emigrants leave. –
Page 130.
1st What does a growing population need?
A growing population needs more houses, more space for people to live in, more food and more natural resources from the Earth.
Page 131.
a. Find how many people in your household are:
1. Under sixteen years old...
2. between sixteen years old and sixty-five years old...
3. over sixty-five years old...
Page 134.
1st Copy and complete the word map.
active       inactive
urban                            rural
child              adult        elderly
2nd Use the word map to copy and complete the sentences.
a. The child population...
b. The adult population...
c. The elderly population...
d. The urban population...
e. The rural population...
f. The active population...
g. The inactive population...
Page 135.
3rd Copy and complete the sentences.
a. The population of a place is how many inhabitants there are in that area.
b. The inhabitants of a place are all the people who live there: children, adults and elderly people.
4th Copy and complete the information about a census.
1) inhabitants
2) ten
3) services
5th How does population increase and decrease? Copy and complete the chart.
population increases
population decreases
Babies are born
People die
6th Name three thing that a growing population needs.
A growing population needs more houses, more space for people to live in, more food and more natural resources from the Earth.
7th Name three things we can do to look after our planet.
To look after our planet we can:
·      Respect plants and animals and protected areas.
·      Use natural sources of energy.
·      Use public transport.

·      Remember the three Rs! Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

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