1 jun 2015


La Ñora, Monday May 25th 2015.
Page 111.
1st Find some examples of light, heat and sound in the picture.
Some examples of light are:
Lamps, torches, light bulbs, light tubes, oven lights, the Sun, the TVs, etc.
Some examples of heat are:
Cookers, ovens, microwave ovens, heaters, etc.
Some examples of sound are:
Alarm clocks, people and animals sounds, radios, music players, etc.
2nd How does the house generate energy?
The house generates energy with solar panels, windmills and waterwheels.
3rd Find an example of one type of energy changing into another.
A lamp changes electrical energy into light energy.
A water wheel changes the movement (kinetic energy) of water into electrical energy.
A windmill changes the movement (kinetic energy) of wind into electrical energy.
A solar panel  changes the light (light energy) of Sun into electrical energy.
Page 114.
1st Find five examples of sound and electrical energy in the picture.
sound energy
electrical energy
a car klaxon
a telephone
a mobile phone
an mp4 player
a walkie talkie
a dog barking
a music player
a bird singing
a guitar
a guitar amp
an ambulance siren
a person speaking
traffic lights bell

a neon sign
an electric guitar
a phone
a car
an ambulance
traffic lights
a walkie talkie

2nd Copy and complete the sentences.
a. A car engine turns chemical energy into kinetic energy.
b. A radiator turns electrical energy into thermal energy.
c. A radio turns electrical energy into sound energy.
Page 116.
1st In your own words, write definitions for renewable and non-renewable energy.
renewable energy
non-renewable energy
good for the planet
never runs out
can be used again and again
water energy
solar energy
wind energy
bad for the planet
runs out

crude oil
natural gas
Non-renewable energy sources are the ones that come from the ground and the seabed. They will eventually run out. Some examples are crude oil, natural gas and coal.
Renewable energy sources are the ones that do not cause pollution. They do not run out. Some examples are the Sun, wind and water.
2nd Explain what solar panels and wind turbines do.
Solar panels turn the sunlight into electrical or thermal energy.
Wind turbines turn the wind motion into electrical energy.
3rd What do crude oil, coal and natural gas have in common? Compare and contrast.
They all have in common that they are fossil fuels. They are non-renewable energy sources. They will run out.
The difference is their state: coal is a solid, crude oil is a liquid and natural gas is a gas.
Page 117.
4th Do you think firewood is a renewable or non-renewable source of energy? Explain your ideas.
Firewood is a non-renewable source of energy. You can only use once.
Page 120.
1st Copy and complete.
can be                                sources are
kinetic energy
sound energy
thermal energy
chemical energy
electrical energy
light energy
non-renewable          renewable
          coal                         solar energy
natural gas               wind farms
crude oil                  hydroelectric power
1st Unscramble the names of these common devices.
Microwave, fridge, radio and dishwasher.
Do we have to plug all of them in?
No, we have to plug all of them in, excepting the radio. The radio works both with mains and with batteries.
2nd Copy and correct.
a. Cars turn chemical energy into kinetic energy.
b. When we eat food, chemical energy is produced.
c. An oven turns electrical energy into thermal energy.
d. A TV turns electrical energy into light and sound energy.
3rd Look at the pictures and say which type of energy you see.
A. Water energy. An hydroelectric power station.
B. Solar energy. Solar panels.
C. Wind energy. A wind farm.
4th Work in pairs. Play the true or false game.
Pupil A
a. When we move, we produce kinetic energy.
b. Wind energy is a renewable energy source.
c. Solar panels turn light energy into electrical or thermal energy.
Pupil B
a. We mine coal from the ground.
b. The movement of water is a source of kinetic energy.
c. Firewood is a non-renewable energy source.

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