15 jun 2015


La Ñora, Thursday May 28th 2015.
Page 137.
1st What is History?
History is everything that happened in the past.
2nd Why is History important?
History is important because we can learn from the past.
3rd Look at the photos a-e. Order the historical sources from the oldest to the most recent.
b à e à a à c à d
4th Match and write the sentences.
a. A year is made up of twelve months.
b. A decade is made up of ten years.
c. A century is made up of one hundred years.
d. A millennium is made up of one thousand years.
6th Order the five main periods of History from the earliest to the most recent.
Prehistory à Ancient History à Middle Ages à Modern Age à Contemporary Age
7th Which period do you think we know the least about? Why?
We know the least about Prehistory because it was about two million years ago.
8th Can you match the historical sources in photos a-e to the periods of History?
b à e à a à c à d
b à Prehistory
e à Ancient History
a à Middle Ages
c à Modern Age
d à Contemporary Age
Page 138.
1st What is prehistory?
Prehistory is the period from when the first humans existed about two million years ago, until the invention of writing.
2nd What are the two main periods of prehistory?
The two main periods of prehistory are Palaeolithic period and Neolithic period.
3rd Look at the pictures of the Palaeolithic period and the Neolithic period. Copy the chart and classify the differences between them.
Palaeolithic period
Neolithic period
people were nomads

no domestic animals
simple tools
stone, wood and bones
people started to:
* live in one place and form communities
* grow crops
* keep domestic animals
complex tools
stone and metal

Page 139.

2nd Name three things that people in the first civilisations did.
People in the first civilisations lived together in communities and didn’t have to move from place to place to find food and shelter.
Page 140.
1st What were the four groups of Christians in the Middle Ages?
The four groups of Christians in the Middle Ages were nobles, clergy, craftsmen and merchants, and peasants.
4th What religious buildings did the Christian and Islamic civilisations build?
The Christian civilisation built religious buildings such as churches and cathedrals.
The Islamic civilisation built religious buildings such as mosques.
Page 141.
1st Copy and complete the sentence.
The Modern Age was a time of discovery and scientific invention.
2nd Why were the compass and accurate maps important to the Modern Age?
Because meant that people could travel to new places without getting lost, and discover new lands and new products.
3rd Where did Columbus want to travel?
He wanted to travel to Asia.
4th Why did more people learn to read in the Modern Age?
Because Gutenberg’s printing press was invented.
Page 142.
2nd Copy the chart and classify these inventions of the Contemporary Age.
Inventions in medicine
Inventions in communication
Page 146.
1st Copy and complete the word map.


Palaeolithic period
Neolithic period
Roman civilisation
Ancient History

Islamic civilisation
Middle Ages
Christian civilisation:
-craftsmen and merchants
scientific invention
Modern Age
changes in society
Contemporary Age

2nd Use the word map to copy and complete the sentences.
a. Palaeolithic / Neolithic
b. Roman
c. Islamic / Christian
d. discovery / invention
e. changes in society / industry
3rd Copy and classify the sentences about the periods of prehistory.

Palaeolithic period
Neolithic period
4th Copy and complete the sentences about the Roman civilisation.
a. amphitheatres
b. roads
c. bridges
d. aqueducts
5th Copy and complete the sentences about the Middle Ages.
Romans / Muslims
6th What invention of the Modern Age meant that it was quicker and cheaper to produce books and maps?
Gutenberg’s printing press
7th Write four important scientific inventions of the Contemporary Age.
Four important scientific inventions of the Contemporary Age were:
-     X-ray
-     Vaccinations
-     The radio
-     The telephone

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